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Photo project
fAAr 2450
In 2014 I became a sheep owner - a little by accident. I signed up for a sheep's guilds, whose purpose is to take care of 30 sheep close to Copenhagen. I must admit that I found it difficult to see the purpose of the newly acquired title - it was not just because I think the lack of things to do in my daily life. But over the past year, I still come to love the curly-haired creatures, and which has resulted in the photography project "fAAr 2450 ".
I've always been of the opinion that the sheep must have been at the back of the queue when animal brains was awarded. I 'm sorry to say that the many hours spent with the sheep, has not really altered that perception. I think that it is in their eyes! If you look a sheep in the eyes is one damn doubts whether there is activity on the other side. However, I have benefited greatly from animals in the sheepfold, located few hundred meters from where I used to live. My almost daily trips have meant a welcome break from the work in front of computer screen, and in the same way sheep have served as a meaningful destination for my boys 11 and 15 years, who also spend far too many hours in front of a screen. The sheep also acts as a consumer of old bread and vegetables due date in the household, and so has the slaughtering of animals means tasty meat for stews and sausage.
Where I have had most delight of sheep is however as extras in front of my camera. My photographic activities are generally carried out in Greenland, where nature is magnificent and endless beautiful, and the Arctic iconic species like polar bears and whales are in the viewfinder. It may seem paradoxical to spend time on photography of something as unsexy as pets on an abandoned landfill when one is accustomed to nature photography in some of the world's most wild and pristine nature. But the sheep has served as a kind of "dry training" for my trips to Greenland. The nature area on the tip has achieved the status of a kind of "photographic playroom" where creativity can flourish freely and where always there, opposite Greenland, is guarantee that you meet "wild" animals. With a little stale bread in your pocket is no problem to get close to the sheep, and to get a sharp picture of a sheep is easy. With these optimal conditions, I could experiment with different angles, and I played with fast shutter speeds that create motion blurred pictures. I've tried me forward with or without a flash - even dragged a flash plant out on tip, and I have consciously worked with a shallow depth of field in the pictures. The sheep has thus helped me to try new photographic techniques of under conditions similar to those taking place "in the wild".

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